Gale Customer Care Could be Your Key to Success in Boosting Usage

3 min read

By Tanisha Howard-Hall

Does anyone remember, the singing group New Kids on the Block? Well, I can’t sing but I am the new Customer Care Consultant on the block! I am new to this role but not new to Gale. I was first introduced to Cengage Learning and Gale as the Web Marketing Intern. I recently graduated with my MBA with a concentration in Marketing. As the Web Marketing intern, I worked on a variety of projects and quickly learned how dedicated Gale is to serving its library partners.

I’m excited to say that after five months in my CCC role, I have success stories to share! I’ve worked with several libraries, providing marketing support and tools to boost usage for various products. Here are some of my favorites:

Itasca Public Library in IL did a GVRL event in September to help promote the resource within the library. I suggested using MARC records, support materials, sub-collections (I created them based upon the subjects that the library felt to be the most popular) and ordering free print promotional materials through Gale Promo. They used all of my suggestions and usage looks great compared to previous month. Two months after launching these changes, usage is up nearly 240%.Gale Courses bookmarkGale Courses bookmark

Gale Courses
Nicholson Memorial Library created their own bookmarks for Gale Courses that highlight some courses on  the front and steps of how to access Gale Courses on their website on the back.

User Testing
Saline Public Library in AR wanted to know why they’re usage for Gale products was low; therefore, they wanted to take advantage of the free user experience testing. This will reveal what patrons find useful and not useful on their website. They’re in the process of developing questions and I’m looking forward to the results so I can make recommendations to drive usage!

I am learning everyday what a HUGE impact libraries have on their patrons and their community. I often find myself urging my family and friends to go the library in their area instead of going to the Internet for research. I am so proud to say that I am one of the many voices of Gale that supports a community of librarians with our white glove services! I believe that everyone should have a reason as to why they get up each morning and being able to leverage my talents as a way to help others just makes it all worth it for me!

Visit learn more about Gale Engagmenet Services, including Customer Care.


[alert-info]Tanisha Howard-Hall

About the Author

Tanisha was born and raised in Detroit and a product of Detroit Public Schools. She earned her Bachelors at Eastern Michigan University and most recently received her MBA in Marketing from Keller Graduate School of Management.


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2 thoughts on “Gale Customer Care Could be Your Key to Success in Boosting Usage”

    • I agree 100%. Libraries and the resources they provide are very impactful, from print books to online databases to in building events.


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