| By Gale Staff |
Have you ever thought you have an enormous amount of data but don’t know how to organize or use it? What about target marketing? Is it possible to create awareness based on your patrons’ usage data? And if it is, how would your patrons remain anonymous?
In this 45-minute webinar, we’ll answer these questions as we demo Gale Engage—a web-based solution that centralizes a public library’s data, allowing for simplified analysis and outreach. You’ll walk away with a better understanding of how your library can:
- Organize disparate datasets and centralize them in one location.
- Drive initiatives forward by using a custom dashboard of metrics and visualizations.
- Send target marketing to patrons without compromising their identity.
- Use data to help inform decision-making.
Bring your questions for an open Q&A. For those unable to attend the live event, we’ll share the recording afterward.

Amanda Winchel
National Sales Manager–Library Analytics
Gale, a Cengage Company
[email protected]