Guest Blog: How to Sell Students on the Benefits of Databases

By Lauren Newman, Library, Media, and Technology Specialist, Northern Burlington County Regional Middle School

Google is amazing, isn’t it? What did we do before its cultural proliferation? As a veteran middle school media specialist, I accept that none of my students remember a world without Google because they were not alive to experience it. However, I also know that Google can’t always satisfy one’s needs. I understand how much more information is out there that is inaccessible to Google. I have been trained on databases and the “invisible web.” I value what else I can find from authoritative, reputable sources. My students, well, they’re a different story.

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Product Update: Grade Level Filters Added

We are happy to announce that Grade Level search filter functionality has been released in beta for both print and eBook titles on We’ve also added Grade Level Range data to the product information for many titles on the site, making it easier than ever to find the perfect titles to suit your needs.

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Outta-This-World Titles for Sci-Fi Fans… in Large Print

The latest Sci Fi titles

Science fiction is often called the “literature of ideas.”  It tells the story of humanity with unparalleled imagination and often stimulates powerful insight into the human condition by exploring grand “what if” scenarios.

Books like 1984, Fahrenheit 451, Brave New World and Animal Farm introduced science fiction broadly to American audiences and it quickly became a popular literary genre.  Since then, interest in science fiction has grown immensely, as readers of all ages are drawn to the genre that allows us to explore other worlds from the comfort of home.

Read moreOutta-This-World Titles for Sci-Fi Fans… in Large Print

Posters, Social Media Images, Widgets, and More to Promote eBooks

Research Matters. And how you share that message to promote GVRL eBooks matters, too. We’ve created a number of tools to help you promote your library’s GVRL collection to your community. Feel free to download, order, print, distribute, and modify to meet your needs.

We focused the poster series on some of the most common eBook content. Each poster is available in two sizes 8.5″ x 11″ and 12″ x 18″. Click the thumbnails to enlarge and print yourself. Or, order and customize in Gale Promo!

  • Health
  • Cooking
  • Teen Issues

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Hello, Hair! My Thoughts on the Return of Downton Abbey

By Jennifer Albers-Smith

***Warning: May contain spoilers for Season 5 of Downton Abbey***

Downton is back. And I’m so relieved. Nothing brightens up a cold January night (here in Michigan) more than a brightly colored and eventful Downton Abbey episode. And Sunday’s premier certainly didn’t disappoint. I spent a few days over Christmas vacation sick with the stomach flu, and I relived all of the Downton moments watching seasons 1-4 from my couch. I was ready for Sunday.

The clothing and hairstyles were fresh in my mind, so the first thing I noticed in Season 5’s premier were the new hairstyles. I wrote this post last year gushing over the clothes; now it’s time to focus on the hairstyles. Even Jimmy had a new ‘do. And poor Molesley…he has a good heart, but he’s hard to take seriously with his new “blue” hue.

Read moreHello, Hair! My Thoughts on the Return of Downton Abbey

Gale Artemis: Literary Sources and Literature Criticism Online Update

Presents came early for some of your favorite literature resources. As of December 18, the ability to browse the entire volume from ‘About this Publication’ page for all Literature Criticism Online (LCO) series in Gale Artemis: Literary Sources and LCO has been added. The default “Search within publication” will now be within the particular volume instead of the entire series. This change will yield better, more focused results.

After clicking the What’s Inside link, you can find your library’s databses within LCO to locate specific volumes:

Read moreGale Artemis: Literary Sources and Literature Criticism Online Update

New Titles Added to the InfoTrac Collections in November and December of 2014

The titles below have been recently added and can be located in the product using Basic or Advanced Search forms. Titles can be found via Browse Publications within two weeks. For complete coverage information please see the product title lists.

Read moreNew Titles Added to the InfoTrac Collections in November and December of 2014