The Stuart & Cumberland Papers Digitization Project at Windsor Castle

| By Roberta Giubilini & Puneeta Sharma, The Royal Archives | The Royal Archives was founded in 1914 and is a private archive which offers public access to historical papers for educational purposes and academic study, while protecting the personal private papers of The Queen and members of The Royal Family. Access to the Archives is … Read more

New Collections Added to Archives Unbound

Since its inception in 2009, the Archives Unbound program has published more than 230 titles. The roots of the program are in microfilm, and the collection makes available targeted collections of interest to scholars engaged in serious research. The Archives Unbound program consists of more than 290,000 documents totaling 12 million pages. Over the coming year, we will add 32 new … Read more

Why Semantic HTML Matters to Accessibility

| By Matt Long, Gale Software Engineering Manager | Web accessibility is about ensuring equal access to content on the web to people with and without disabilities. At Gale web accessibility matters. And while for a variety of reasons equal access can be challenging in certain situations, there are some simple things developers and designers … Read more

Get Information You Can Trust with a Simple Search

Question:  When research often starts with a Google search and dubious results, how do we get online library reference materials in the hands of those who need it? Answer:  Opposing Viewpoints In Context’s Google Chrome Extension! Melinda was doing her Social Studies homework the other night and needed facts on gerrymandering.  Instead of using her … Read more

Keeping Current on Citation Changes

Beginning in October, the option to export MLA 7 citations will no longer be supported in Gale resources. Why is this happening? It has a lot to do with what our customers tell us and what features are being used. We sat down with Gale eBooks on GVRL product manager Kristin Fust to better understand: … Read more

A Spotlight on 21st Century Skill Sets and How the Education Industry is Emerging to Meet the Demands

| By Chitraa Sridharan | In the rapidly changing market place today, it is becoming increasingly evident that workplaces need workers who are just not proficient with the core skills but also with people who are prepared to solve complex problems and adapt to changing environments using their 6C (Communication, Collaboration, Critical thinking, Creative innovation, … Read more

New Titles Added to the InfoTrac Collections in September 2017

The titles below have been recently added and can be located in the product using Basic or Advanced Search forms. Titles can be found via Browse Publications within two weeks. For complete coverage information please see the product title lists. Academic OneFile Zeitschrift fuer Analysis und Ihre Anwendungen (European Mathematical Society Publishing House) 0232-2064 Peer-reviewed … Read more

Explore the Vietnam War through Documentaries and Primary Sources

Ken Burns and Lynn Novick’s ten-part, 18-hour documentary series, The Vietnam War, tells the epic story of one of the most consequential, divisive, and controversial events in American history as it has never before been told on film. Visceral and immersive, the series explores the human dimensions of the war through revelatory testimonies of nearly … Read more

Master Human Anatomy in a STEM World

Human anatomy is known to be a challenging subject to master and teach, but traditional resources and lab materials are often limited, making it difficult for students to comprehend essential concepts. With a growing demand for STEM jobs paired with less than 40% of STEM students earning a degree, the time is now to introduce … Read more

Superior Tools at Your Fingertips

As digital demands continue to rise, the emphasis on creating a seamless workflow becomes all the more important. Developing efficiencies in how materials are prepared and distributed, building a collaborative environment with students and peers, and eliminating multiple logins are all essentials to today’s educators. Your institution or library can play a pivotal role in connecting … Read more