American Reference Books Annual Highly Recommends Gale Researcher

Gale Researcher provides the scholarly content and technology-fueled tools students need to improve their ability to find, evaluate, and apply a range of sources in their research and coursework. By aligning scholarly materials to the scope and sequence of introductory college courses, Gale Researcher creates a simple but sophisticated research path for students looking to … Read more

Cornell Professor and Librarian Collaborate to Contribute to Gale Researcher

Gale has partnered with Cornell College Professor of English Katy Stavreva to curate introductory British Literature content for Gale Researcher. In an article Cornell College’s News Center Stavreva describes the challenge of mapping out foundational content for the British Literature module, “This is no small challenge because the field is not only dynamic, but there are numerous ideologies and theories involved in deciding who and what may be foundational in it.” 

Stavreva also collaborated with her Cornell colleagues to create content for Gale Researcher. Cornell Interim Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning and Consulting Librarian Jennifer Rouse contributed to the collection with the essay “The Literary Research Process.” A recent article on the Cornell College News Center goes into more detail about Gale Researcher and Stavreva’s contributions.

Read moreCornell Professor and Librarian Collaborate to Contribute to Gale Researcher

Help Students Improve Their Employability

For many undergraduate students, employment looms large as they look toward graduation.  How can you help them prepare?  Two words:  information literacy. More than half of employers surveyed* recently rate “the ability to locate, organize, and evaluation information from multiple sources” as “very important” when it comes to hiring recent college graduates. How to help … Read more

Collaboration Benefits Everyone

Helping Librarians and Academic Faculty Work Together to Achieve Optimal Student Outcomes

In a recent article in Against the Grain, Liz Mason, Gale’s Vice President of Product, addresses a big issue in 21st century education. She discusses a 2015 survey that showed there was a disconnect between academic librarians and faculty. The results revealed that a significant number of faculty members saw no need to consult with librarians and only half used librarians as a resource on matters of curricula when planning courses.

Read moreCollaboration Benefits Everyone

Gale Researcher: “A Strong Database” that helps “Minimize the Legwork”

Wondering how you can save time and see better results? The search stops here. Gale Researcher puts reliable, citable information all in one place—at students’ fingertips. Now, faculty and librarians can direct students to one encompassing source of information and save the time it takes to compile and map individual resources.

Curious? See what a librarian thinks:

Read moreGale Researcher: “A Strong Database” that helps “Minimize the Legwork”

Information Literacy: Knowing What To Do With All That Data

If there’s one thing modern society seems to be good at, it’s creating content and making it available.   According to VCloud News, 2.5 billion gigabytes of content are created each day1.  To quantify that a bit more, that means the amount of data created each day is equal to streaming 1 billion hours of high definition TV.

So, is it any wonder that undergraduates are often overwhelmed at the outset of a research project?  Where should they begin?  How can they evaluate the quality of content sources and ensure that they’re using relevant, expert information?

Read moreInformation Literacy: Knowing What To Do With All That Data

Microsoft Integration Added to Gale Products

Posted on June 22, 2016

Many of Gale’s products now offer Microsoft Office 365 integration, further enabling users to access Gale content anytime, anywhere, and from any device.

MSFT sample sign in page
After authentication, login using Microsoft credentials. Click to enlarge.anywhere, and from any device.


These easy-to-use collaborative tools allow users to:

  • After authentication into your Gale products, login to Microsoft Office 365 with your Microsoft credentials
  • Store, sync, and share files by downloading Gale content to your OneDrive account in the cloud
  • Easily transfer downloaded OneDrive content for use in other Microsoft tools like OneNote and Classroom

Read moreMicrosoft Integration Added to Gale Products

Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie, and U.S. History for July 4th

Posted on June 22, 2016

By Debra Kirby

How will you celebrate U.S. Independence Day on July 4? Many mark the occasion with picnics, parades, and fireworks. For some though, July 4 provides another reason to celebrate: It’s the day they officially became U.S. citizens. Every year immigrants who have spent years waiting (and sometimes thousands of dollars on legal fees) choose this special date to raise their hands and pledge allegiance to the United States of America. One of the requirements for citizenship is that they successfully pass a civics quiz.

We’ve provided six of the 100 potential questions used by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services here. How many can you answer correctly? (See answers at the end of this article.)

  • Who was President during World War I?
  • The House of Representatives has how many voting members?
  • Who is Chief Justice of the United States now?
  • How many amendments does the Constitution have?
  • When was the Constitution written?
  • The Federalist Papers supported the passage of the U.S. Constitution. Name one of the writers.

Read moreHamburgers, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie, and U.S. History for July 4th

See You In Beantown!

By Michelle Eickmeyer

In just over three weeks, we’ll once again be coming together to celebrate the role and value of librarians, and librarians and staff. Though the winter meeting is not as widely attended (and is quite a lot of meetings), the excitement of an ALA is difficult to match.

As vendors attending the show, we’re able to hear from you directly what concerns and issues you are trying to overcome and sharing some of the exciting things we have going on at Gale.

And there’s a lot!

Google for Education Partner

Earlier this year, Gale embarked on the strategic decision to become a Google Apps for Education Partner. This enables us to both make content more discoverable (and trackable to you!) AND easier to save/return to later. Tens of thousands of users have saved documents from the Gale resources they access through your library with their Google credentials. Students and teachers are accessing their In Context resources directly through apps in Google Classroom. Students and faculty beginning their research in Google Scholar are being directed to the library’s Academic OneFile. We’re so excited about our partnership with Google, and everything we’re working on next with them! More information can be found here.

Read moreSee You In Beantown!