11 Primary Source Documents to Mark the Anniversary of the 1913 Woman Suffrage Procession

One hundred and five years ago today thousands of women and men gathered in Washington D.C. for the Woman Suffrage Procession–one day ahead of the inauguration of President Woodrow Wilson. The event was organized by an unrelenting hero of the suffrage movement, Alice Paul, who continued to fight for women’s rights her entire life going as far as being incarcerated for her civil disobedience and militant tactics.

Read more11 Primary Source Documents to Mark the Anniversary of the 1913 Woman Suffrage Procession

The Evolution of the Newspaper Industry

| By Kevin Kohls | While the newspaper industry is trying to adapt to a future where the physical newspaper is a thing of the past, Gale and The British Library are bringing the digital revolution to the 18th century. In an effort to preserve and expand access to the history of the newspaper industry, … Read more

Library Journal Reviews Gale’s Amateur Newspapers from the American Antiquarian Society

| By Sydney Fairman | Containing over 3,000 titles from the original 48 states and issues from 15 foreign countries, Amateur Newspapers from the American Antiquarian Society is the largest and most extensive digital collection in the United States. Featuring tens of thousands of issues, with publications that range from two to as many as 50 … Read more

Two Impressive Reviews for Political Extremism & Radicalism in the Twentieth Century

| By Sydney Fairman | One of the first digital archives on far-right and left political groups, Political Extremism & Radicalism in the Twentieth Century explores the development, actions, and ideologies behind extremism and radicalism in the twentieth century. Containing over 600,000 pages of content such as campaign materials, propaganda, government records, and various ephemera, … Read more

ccAdvisor Reviews Eighteenth Century Collections Online

| By Sydney Fairman | Containing over 180,000 titles and 32 million pages, Eighteenth Century Collections Online is the largest and most comprehensive online historical archive of its kind and an essential resource for advanced study of the eighteenth century. The collection contains every significant English-language and foreign-language title printed in the United Kingdom between the … Read more

Library Journal & Booklist call the International Herald Tribune Historical Archive “Valuable”

Sold in over 160 countries and read worldwide, the International Herald Tribune is one of the most innovative and original newspapers, famous for its objective and clear coverage. Bringing an international perspective, it provides a valuable counterpoint to the Anglo-American press, adding a new dimension to research. An online, fully searchable facsimile, the International Herald Tribune … Read more

Adolescent Journalism in the 19th Century

An extensive collection of amateur publications that were written, edited, and published primarily by young people, aged 12-20, during the second half of the 19th century, Amateur Newspapers from the American Antiquarian Society features tens of thousands of issues, and includes editorials, original short fiction, essays, poetry, and more. It provides an abundance of resources for researchers looking … Read more

Twenty-Five Years Later: The Murder of Stephen Lawrence

“The community was already in mourning… they were really frightened when their young ones go out, because they don’t know when the police be knocking the door.” Interview with an anonymous source by Dr Gavin Bailey, Manchester Metropolitan University and Dr Ben Lee, Lancaster University, 2015, which will be featured in Gale’s Political Extremism & … Read more

Library Journal Reviews Pacifism Resources

Recently, Rob Tench, Librarian at Old Dominion University Libraries, commemorated the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I by reviewing resources on pacifism—the opposition of war, militarism, or conflict. He states, “although the volume of research on war far outpaces that on pacifism, these offerings more than make up in quality what may be … Read more

Increase Access and Discovery with LMS Integration

| By Nicole Rakozy | As program manager for classroom solutions, I am deeply passionate about connecting users to the outstanding content available in the Gale collections. Previously, I worked as an editor collaborating with hundreds of esteemed faculty members at distinguished universities to develop eBooks for GVRL. Many of these resources push the boundaries of … Read more