Like a Phoenix

By Christe H.  Our school library has taken many turns in the 20 years I have been here. Going from a classroom, to an expansion where we rubbed elbows with construction workers, and moved the books 4 times; to a catastrophe when our school caught fire and the school was closed for one year. When … Read more


By Lori Z.  The library is a portal to a larger world. It goes beyond books and media. Library programs have introduced my family to singers, actors, artists and writers from around the world. It reminds us that we are part of a much larger community and has gifted us with a different perspective than … Read more

Gave Me My Career

By Sandy S.  I have always had a love affair with libraries. The architecture, the scent of old and new books mixed with copier toner, the always cool and somewhat drafty feel of the air still permeate my childhood memories. My affection was born there, but it did not mature until college. While attending Baylor … Read more

Bookmobile Beginnings

By Stephanie W. 

I grew up in a remote northern Ontario town, where the public library was, at first, too far away to visit. But a bookmobile came around every 3 weeks, and we were allowed to check out 2 books at a time. I had learned to read early, and always finished my 2 books within days, which left me waiting, eagerly, for return visits. Then when I was 8, a tiny branch library opened in a local strip mall, and my life changed. I virtually lived there, and devoured first the children’s section, and then, with my parents’ signed permission, the adult section. I read everything from Encyclopedia Brown to the Encyclopedia of Human Biology. My parents stressed the importance of education and reading, but were anything but wealthy, and could never have afforded to buy me everything – or much of – what I devoured. I directly credit libraries for the fact that I never thought that lack of money meant that I would be shut out of the joys of education, reading, or knowledge.

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Diving Into a World of Possibilities……

By Tina G.  I’ve gone to the Library all my life….It opens a world of possibilities for reading novels, self help, fantasy, websites. I took my girls when they were very young and each received their very own library card…. We went every week to read, find new adventures in books and do homework projects…. We … Read more

Summer Fun Circa 1974

By Sandy H. 

As a child, I participated in our town library’s summer reading program.

As an incentive to read, the librarian created a bulletin board filled with bookworms. The board was marked off at 10 book intervals, ending with 100. Children were allowed to move “their” worm forward based on the number of books read. After giving my weekly oral book reports to a library volunteer, I was allowed to move the worm with my name on it up the chart. I liked that.

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ARC Smashes Reading Records!

By Kristen R. The Marist Academic Resource Center (ARC) launched three new reading initiatives this school year with huge success. Circulation continues to increase, the school added a second book club to accommodate all the student interest in books, and the annual book budget was increased in order to offer additional reading materials. The ARC … Read more

From The Board Room To The Book Room

By Margaux D. 

This is my story, what a great journey it has been!

I am a total geek and am so proud of it! Growing up I spent every free moment of my weekends and summers at the library. In college I used to cut the classes that I did not enjoy to hole up in the library and read for hours on end. The library has always been a comforting place for me and continues to welcome and nurture me like the supportive arms of a best friend.

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It Got Under My Skin!

By Marie P.  During high school and college, I was fortunate to work in the Children’s Department of my local library. As an Economics major, I was going to Wall Street after college and going to make “real money”. That never happened because I became a US Navy wife and my career became whatever job … Read more

Library Power

By Jennifer M. 

Growing up in a small town in La. in the late’60’s-early ’70’s, I spent a lot of time in our local library. It was air-conditioned in that brutal heat, and I could stay as long as I wanted, reading. The librarian, Mrs. Reynolds, was awesome! She would let me “help” her shelve books and straighten magazines, or clean shelves. She would hold the newest Nancy Drew or Donna Parker books for me. When I grew out of those, she guided me to more mature reading like Victoria Holt and Mary Stewart. Her recommendations were always right on the mark!

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