New Titles for Gale OneFile, November 2022

| By Gale Staff | Gale Academic OneFile Defense One (Government Executive Media Group LLC)   JIMD Reports (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) Peer-reviewed Journal of Flood Risk Management (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) Peer-reviewed Journal of Interdisciplinary Nanomedicine (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) Peer-reviewed Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) … Read more

Honoring International Day of Persons with Disabilities

| By Gale Staff| International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) is a United Nations-designated day to celebrate and support individuals with disabilities. The holiday, originally named International Day of Disabled Persons, was approved in 1992 by the UN General Assembly. In 2008, the name was altered to place the word “person” in front of … Read more

AIDS Awareness Month: Opportunities for Learning in Your Classroom

| By Gale Staff | December is AIDS awareness month and there are twelve additional AIDS awareness days throughout the year. Take the opportunity to incorporate valuable learning experiences in your classroom. Promote awareness and support responsible education on what AIDS is and its impact on history. Discussions about acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) can drive … Read more

Celebrating Native American Culture through Research and Reflection

| By Gale Staff | Americans explore and celebrate Native American culture, history, and social contributions every year during November, which is Native American Heritage Month in the United States. Teachers can help their students celebrate the month and learn about important figures in U.S. history by accessing new portals available in Gale In Context: … Read more

Teach Your Students About the Evolution of Human Rights with Gale In Context

| By Gale Staff| Teaching high school students about human rights can be a challenge. Not only is the topic complicated, but it can also become controversial. However, introducing your students to human rights concepts helps them better understand the history and develop more informed opinions on current social issues. Encourage your students to research … Read more

What Is a VIN? (And Why Do I Need It?)

|By Chilton Staff| Beginning with the first automakers in the early 1900s, manufacturers sometimes scribed serial numbers or other identifiers on vehicles, engines, and transmissions. Half a century later in 1954, federal rules began requiring automakers to stamp a unique vehicle identification number, or VIN, on each car and truck, primarily as a way to … Read more

Against the Odds: November 2022 Must-Haves

| By Tamara Butler | The human spirit is resilient and can triumph against incredible odds. This month, Thorndike offers five large print titles that celebrate this human experience and its ability to overcome trauma, loss, and suffering, and still come out on top. Matthew Perry’s highly anticipated memoir delves into his addiction and recovery, … Read more

The Best Resources for Teaching LGBTQ History All Year Long

| By Gale Staff | Teach history through the eyes of major LGBTQ contributors. Stories from their past struggles and triumphs are a lesson in the strength and resilience needed to overcome the challenges that come with being different. Beyond Pride Month, these stories can be shared between students, educators, and families throughout the year. … Read more

Gun Laws in 2022: Concealed Carry, Red Flag Laws, and the History of Gun Laws

Since before the 1791 Bill of Rights ratification to the Constitution, in which the second amendment provided the right to keep and bear arms, gun laws have been debated. Some think the second amendment was created for individual citizens, while others believe it was designed to protect the government. Before students begin their research, suggest … Read more

Tut Talks: Documenting a Capstone Collaboration in Digital Humanities

|By Dr. Sarah Ketchley, Senior Digital Humanities Specialist| As an affiliate faculty member at the University of Washington, I have been working with cohorts of students for over a decade in the field of digital humanities. My area of research expertise is Egyptology, specifically the disciplinary history of the field in the late nineteenth and … Read more