80% Off Sloths with Grzimek’s Animal Life Encyclopedia

By Melissa Rayner

photo 2Sloths are all the rage these days—who knew an animal could be trendy? They have over 100,000 likes on Facebook and even have their own sub-Reddit! But students shouldn’t have to rely on social media to learn about their favorite three-toed, tree-dwelling, algae-sporting buddies. Not when the most definitive guide to animals on the market is currently available for 80% off through Gale’s print sale.

Yes, the 16-volume Grzimek’s (that’s pronounced Chimix) Animal Life Encyclopedia is on sale for $577.60—down from $2,888.00—but only while supplies last.

With Grzimek’s on your classroom’s bookshelf, you can learn such fun sloth facts as…

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Announcing the Stars of Our 2015 Catalog

We asked for models, and—whoa—did we get ‘em!

Yes, we have been absolutely overwhelmed by the level of enthusiasm with which our open casting call was met. Thank you for choosing to share your passions and your smiling faces with us as part of this contest. We love hearing about how you are using your skills to change your communities—keep up the great work!

Now, it is with great excitement that we announce our casting picks. They are:

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In Other News: Tornadoes

A look at a current news item through the lens of different titles available on GVRL.

By Michelle Eickmeyer

Spring. Millions of people around the country have been counting the minutes until spring, well, springs. But the yearly battle of warm, southern air to (finally!) unseat the cold northern air makes for some of the most dangerous weather. From as far north as Michigan and Ohio, through America’s heartland, this week has been the first of the 2014 tornado season.

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Guest Blog: Making Digital Connections with Patrons

By Naomi Bates, Teacher Librarian, Northwest High School, Justin, TX

In today’s world of academics and reading, libraries are integrating with new technologies through 21st century tools. This trend can be seen not only through eBooks and databases, but also through the unique personality a library can create through publicity and online branding. Savvy librarians are ensuring their virtual presence through curation sites, online posters, infographics, and social media, most of which are free resources.

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Open Casting Call for the 2015 Gale Catalog!

Let’s face it, passion drives everything we do—the choices we make, the jobs we acquire, even how we spend our free time.

We’d like to offer you the opportunity to take your passion and turn it into a real “notice me” opportunity. That’s right; we’re looking for a few shining stars to feature in our upcoming catalog. Not only will you be able to share your passion—and your smiling face—with the world, but you’ll also be put into circulation of over 18,000 copies, literally putting you in front of thousands of librarians, researchers, teachers, administrators, and faculty all across the US and Canada!

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In Other News: Shakespeare

By Susan Fishburn

In Other News – Week of April 21

Have your friends and family been talking to you in what sounds like a different language? Maybe it’s because this week we celebrated “Talk Like William Shakespeare Day” on April 23rd. So it’s time to get in the groove, or as Bill would say “It’s timeth to starteth reading!”

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In Other News: Mumps

A look at a current news item through the lens of different titles available on GVRL.

By Michelle Eickmeyer

It’s April 18, 2014 and there are mumps outbreaks in Ohio and New York. Mumps! And both associated with college campuses? (Well, my aunt always said “there is a time and place for everything, and it’s college,” but somehow I never suspected she meant mumps!)

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Happy National Library Week!

National Library Week

By Kim Martin

Today, we announced the winners of its “Libraries Are Beautiful – Inside and Out” photo contest. Launched in celebration of National Library Week, taking place this week – April 13-19, the contest showcases libraries who make their communities a more beautiful place—physically or metaphorically. The top five per category were selected by experts in art, architecture and design.  From the 25 finalists, winners were chosen by popular vote – and include:

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In Other News: The Masters

A look at a current news item through the lens of different titles available on GVRL.

By Michelle Eickmeyer

It’s that time of year again! Baseball season has opened at home for all MLB teams. The cherry blossoms are opening in Washington, D.C. Pedicure chairs throughout the country are filling up. And the Masters is on TV!

Oh, the Masters. As a golfer, this is my official start of spring. That longing to be swinging the sticks in warm weather. The jealousy for those watching in shorts and short sleeves. The weird thrill of hushed voices and low claps that only a golfer can understand. While the Masters is far younger a tradition than many other top tournaments, it is widely held as “the event” of golf.

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TLA Diary: Day 3

The Top Questions Asked in the Gale Booth at TLA 2014 A Texas-sized list of resources are now available to every public school in the state of Texas! It was big news at the TLA conference, no doubt. Below are some of the burning questions visitors to our booth asked while talking to our representatives … Read more