New Titles Added to the InfoTrac Collections in July 2016

The titles below have been recently added and can be located in the product using Basic or Advanced Search forms. Titles can be found via Browse Publications within two weeks. For complete coverage information please see the product title lists.   Academic OneFile  Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae (Akademiai Kiado) Print 0044-5975 Online 1588-2543 Peer-reviewed … Read more

Exciting Changes Coming to Gale Literature Resources

On December 20th, users of Artemis Literary Sources, Something About the Author Online, Literature Criticism Online, and Dictionary of Literary Biography Complete Online will be automatically updated to a new mobile-responsive experience. These accessibility, usability, and feature-rich updates provide an improved user experience, as well as the ability to cross-search all of Gale’s literature databases … Read more

Product Update for Academic OneFile

Academic OneFile now includes a unique new browsing experience for users. Committed to improving user experience and based on feedback from students, this feature is designed to address significant searching needs.

  • Defined topics for ease of browsing
    Users won’t need to guess what to type in the search box—we’ve identified the topics for them. Gale has created browse-able topics by combining our superior subject indexing with taxonomies from Cengage Learning textbooks to create the most relevant periodical content around their research needs.
  • Navigating advanced searches 
    This feature does the searching for you, making it ideal for the user who struggles with effective Advanced Search strategies and overwhelming results. Users can drill down within one of six subject areas–like Marketing, Psychology, or Criminal Justice–to view relevant results in their topic of interest.
  • Focused and relevant results 
    Content is tailored to specific topics. Smaller and more targeted results will empower users to quickly find relevant content. Publications are hand-selected by subject-matter experts to ensure content is focused on the selected subject area.

This new browsing feature adds to the current Academic OneFile experience.  All the familiar searches–like Basic, Advanced, Subject, and Publication–are still available options.

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Global Issues In Context Product Update

Updated May 24, 2016

Original Posting March 31, 2016

Global Issues In Context has been updated to reflect the standard user interface found in all the other Gale In Context products. Customers will be migrated to the new version of the product August 5, 2016.

During the continued soft launch – running through the month of July – here’s what you’ll find:

  • Spotlight stories will track current events.
  • New and updated portals will be called-out (flagged) so they are easy to find.
  • Google integration tools like Google sign-in, download to Google Drive, and Classroom Share capabilities.
  • A mobile optimized interface for ease of use on any device.
  • Additional features familiar to users such as, Highlights and Notes and additional language translation options.

Read moreGlobal Issues In Context Product Update

New Titles Added to the InfoTrac Collections in June 2016

The titles below have been recently added and can be located in the product using Basic or Advanced Search forms. Titles can be found via Browse Publications within two weeks. For complete coverage information please see the product title lists.   Academic OneFile  American Journal of Theology & Philosophy (University of Illinois Press) 0194-3448 Peer-reviewed … Read more

Testing and Education Reference Center Updates

Posted June 29th, 2016.

Gale is pleased to announce upcoming enhancements to Testing & Education Reference Center (TERC) in the coming months. This invaluable education and career database will receive interface updates to the online courses (summer), practice tests (fall), and have a responsive design by year end.

Users will experience:

  • Intuitive navigation
  • Standardized terminology
  • Popular web iconography
  • Improved readability
  • Uniform design across the platform

Read moreTesting and Education Reference Center Updates

Product Update: Interface Enhancements to Gale LegalForms

Posted June 28, 2016

Good news! Gale LegalForms is going mobile responsive and will undergo an interface update August 1. These enhancements improve usability and increase accessibility so that it’s easy for users to navigate Gale LegalForms anytime, on any device.

Users will appreciate the same reliable, up-to-date content on a modern interface with streamlined navigation and responsive design giving access to authentic, professional legal documents—and this is the only digital resource to offer legal forms that are state-specific.


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Global Issues In Context Product Update 3/31/2016

Updated May 24, 2016

Original Posting March 31, 2016

Global Issues In Context has been updated to reflect the standard user interface found in all the other Gale In Context products. Customers will be migrated to the new version of the product August 5, 2016.

During the continued soft launch – running through the month of July – here’s what you’ll find:

  • Spotlight stories will track current events.
  • New and updated portals will be called-out (flagged) so they are easy to find.
  • Google integration tools like Google sign-in, download to Google Drive, and Classroom Share capabilities.
  • A mobile optimized interface for ease of use on any device.
  • Additional features familiar to users such as, Highlights and Notes and additional language translation options.

Read moreGlobal Issues In Context Product Update 3/31/2016

New Patron info added to Patron Profiles in Analytics On Demand

Analytics On Demand Public Library

Curious whether households in your community would read a library mailing? Individuals with a history of mail-order buying are twice as likely to respond to a promotion as someone who has never purchased by mail. Now the Analytics on Demand Patron Profiles app contains more details around households who have purchased merchandise, magazines or services by mail or have responded with contributions to charitable and nonprofit appeals.

New Buyer Data
Fifteen categories were added to the existing multi-category buyer information. This additional Mail Order Responder (MOR)-Bank data including:

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Product Update: Greenhaven Press, Lucent Books, and KidHaven Press Imprints Move to Rosen

Posted on May 23, 2016

On April 1, 2016 Rosen became the exclusive publisher of print and eBook titles for Greenhaven Press, Lucent Books®, and KidHaven Press™ imprints. Moving forward, Rosen will create new titles and content for these imprints. As one of Rosen’s partners, Gale will continue to sell eBooks on GVRL for these imprints, under the titles of Greenhaven Publishing, Lucent Press, and KidHaven Publishing.

With this news comes some changes in how future business transactions will be handled. To assist in understanding the new process of how to place orders, make inquiries, billing, and future development of titles from these imprints, Gale has put together a Q&A to help answer any questions you may have.

Read moreProduct Update: Greenhaven Press, Lucent Books, and KidHaven Press Imprints Move to Rosen