How Libraries are Competing in the Digital Age

Libraries in New York State—like their counterparts across the country—are experimenting with new ways to draw patrons in and engage them in reading, creating, and strengthening their ties to the community. In short, they are working to become more relevant. The Pittsford Public Library, for example, hosts drop-in sessions on mastering the Kindle, the iPad, … Read more

Oklahoma Libraries as a Gateway to Citizenship

To meet Oklahoma’s demand for services to non-native English speakers, the Oklahoma Department of Libraries (ODL) recently launched a citizenship and immigration pilot project that enables libraries to provide useful information about immigration and citizenship benefits. In collaboration with library-based literacy programs, the project promotes awareness and understanding of citizenship while reinforcing English language skills. … Read more

In Other News: Rosetta Comet Landing

A look at a current news item through the lens of different titles available on GVRL.

By Michelle Eickmeyer

The European Space Agency (ESA) has landed something on a comet. This, frankly, is astounding. The Rosetta mission began 2 March 2004, involved dipping into gravitation fields three times for a boost (Earth’s twice, and Mar’s once. Ever play crack the whip as a kid? Similar principle.); a three year, mid-flight nap; and more than two months of “preparing for landing.” Sure, the Philae Lander had a bit of a bump when it landed. That it happened at all — well, that’s just something. ESA has a fantastic animation, with timelines, on the decade-long voyage.

Read moreIn Other News: Rosetta Comet Landing

It’s All about Horsepower for Gearhead Patrons

Chilton Auto Resources at Library

By Ryan Lee Price

The 305 cubic-inch engine in the Koenigsegg One “megacar” is capable of producing 1,360 horsepower from its gas-powered V8, propelling the 1,360-kg car to a top speed of 280 mph in 20 seconds. That’s a lot of power, and one can’t help but to imagine 1,360 horses hitched to the front of the $1.5 million car attempting to pull it up to 280 mph. However, in either guise—engine or horse team—1,360 horsepower represents the work of a lot of horses, and to understand how the term has been applied to cars, we have to go back about 100 years before cars were even invented.

Read moreIt’s All about Horsepower for Gearhead Patrons

Punch Authors Revealed for the First Time

Originally published on American Libraries The Scoop

From 1841 to 1992, Punch was the world’s most celebrated magazine of humour and satire. From its early years as a campaigner for social justice to its transformation into a national icon, Punch played a central role in the formation of British identity and how the rest of the world saw the British.

Read morePunch Authors Revealed for the First Time

Four Ways Academic Libraries are Adapting for the Future

According to a recent article by Brad Lukanic, executive director of CannonDesign’s global education practice, “For academic institutions seeking to thrive amidst the constantly shifting world of higher education, libraries have become the heart of the spirit of collaboration and innovation–going beyond being places to merely access knowledge to become hubs to truly explore and … Read more

Checking Out Great Gadgets at College Libraries

College libraries have increasingly defined themselves as all-purpose information technology resource centers. Georgia Tech lends computers, cameras, and other electronics to students and professors—and provides a briefing by its instructional technology associate on how to use the devices. Colgate University lends drones to serious researchers, after carefully vetting their credentials. North Carolina State University’s website … Read more

Four Ways to Advocate for School Libraries

School librarians can make the case for library funding by showing how they help students learn and proving how they build vital collaborative relationships with teachers. During a Connected Educator Month edWeb webinar about making the case for school libraries, Michelle Luhtala, head librarian at New Canaan High School in Connecticut, discussed four key ways … Read more