Caregivers in your Community? Help has Arrived!

Caregiver resources and ebooks

Jennifer’s friends often say to her, “I don’t know how you do it.” Most days, Jennifer doesn’t know either. Her mother’s health has been declining, and Jennifer is caring for her by monitoring her health, communicating with doctors and insurance companies, and even providing basic nursing care. This week, she’s trying to find out how to evaluate nursing homes. She tried doing a Google search, but the results are confusing and, in some cases, contradictory.

Jennifer, and many caregivers in your community, are looking for dependable resources to guide them to answers to improve care for their loved ones.

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In Other News: Maya Angelou

A look at a current news item through the lens of different titles available on GVRL.

By Michelle Eickmeyer

For many of us, our first introduction to Maya Angelou came in the form of a required reading list. “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” has graced innumerable backpacks and lockers. Her writing style, mission, and general awesomeness has not gone unnoticed. Ms Angelou has won Tony, Emmy and Grammy awards. She has received the Lincoln Medal (2008), the National Medal of Arts (2010), and the Presidential Medal of Freedom (2011). She has been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize.

She is also one of the most banned authors in American history.

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Reader’s Advisory for Little Ones

Early Childhood Development Public Library

By Rachel G. Payne

Reader’s advisory for kids under five? Yes! Even though they may not be able to communicate what they want verbally, they know what they like! And while they droll on, chew, grab, throw, and scribble on library materials, we need to have books for the very young in our libraries. These books and the language they generate from a parent or caregiver actually builds a baby’s brain. And studies show the literacy foundations of early childhood set the stage for future learning.

So what do you do when sleep-deprived parents ask for books their little ones or a toddler says to you “Want dog book”? How do we match the right book for the right baby at the right time? Here a reader’s advisory guide and a mini child development course rolled into one. Remember, all kids develop at their own pace, so the ages listed below are average approximations.

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Testing & Education Reference Center (TERC)

Testing & Education Reference Center (TERC) is a valuable online tool used by library patrons of all ages for standardized test preparation, researching undergraduate and graduate programs, finding tuition assistance, and exploring careers. Additionally, community members can pursue new career paths with test prep assistance for career certification exams as well as gain advice on resumes, cover letters, interviewing, and networking.

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In Other News: Memorial Day

A look at a current news item through the lens of different titles available on GVRL.

By Michelle Eickmeyer

Memorial Day. The unofficial start of summer in the U.S. A holiday marked by barbecues, boats, yard work, and more so lately, retail sales on appliances. Random.

But Memorial Day is a time dedicated to remembering those who gave their life in service to the country. We celebrate their dedication to our freedoms by, well, celebrating our freedoms. Particularly the pursuit of happiness (and food and water sports). Originally begun as “Decoration Day,” this holiday takes time to remember and (safely) celebrate those who served. For them, we are grateful.

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Engage your library’s young learners

education ebooks for k-12 public library

By Kim Martin
Today’s kids are tech-savvy and they need easy access to high quality, timely content full of images and graphic aids to satisfy their eagerness for learning. Whether looking for homework help or researching a topic, Gale delivers rich content that is indexed, searchable, and supports your elementary curriculum.

kiddoMeet Anthony, or Tony, as his friends call him. He’s in third grade. When a local meteorologist spoke to his class, he learned about wild spring weather. Her storm chaser stories really prompted his interest in weather, especially tornadoes. Do you have resources for kiddos like Tony? He wants more information and awesome pictures!

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Civil War History is 80% Off

By Geoff Schwartz

The American Civil War produced many legendary commanders whose deeds have been celebrated in song, paintings, and film. But what about the lesser-known participants, those who made an impact without the benefits of high rank and great power? Imagine someone with the guts to remove a musket ball from a jawbone with only a pocket knife, and to storm the beaches near Charleston, SC under heavy fire.

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Volumes of Catholic History Relevant to Today for 80% Off

Pope Francis New Catholic Encyclopedia

By Carrie Stefanski
With all the modern world-issues and charities driving Pope Francis’s schedule, remembering a great historical event may have fallen off your radar. Fifty years ago, Pope Paul IV made a hugely significant pilgrimage to Jerusalem. This was the first meeting to restore unity between Catholics and the Orthodox Christians in 910 years.

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80% Off Sloths with Grzimek’s Animal Life Encyclopedia

By Melissa Rayner

photo 2Sloths are all the rage these days—who knew an animal could be trendy? They have over 100,000 likes on Facebook and even have their own sub-Reddit! But students shouldn’t have to rely on social media to learn about their favorite three-toed, tree-dwelling, algae-sporting buddies. Not when the most definitive guide to animals on the market is currently available for 80% off through Gale’s print sale.

Yes, the 16-volume Grzimek’s (that’s pronounced Chimix) Animal Life Encyclopedia is on sale for $577.60—down from $2,888.00—but only while supplies last.

With Grzimek’s on your classroom’s bookshelf, you can learn such fun sloth facts as…

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Truth Be Told: 5 Fast Facts about Juice Fasting

juicing library resources

By Harmony Faust

There are several people in my inner circle who regularly and voluntarily consume nothing but fruit, vegetable and plant juices for days at a time. This. Blows. My. Mind. Juice fasting is a practice I’ve been hearing about for years and I still don’t get it.

If I’m being completely honest, the crux of my problem with juice fasting probably lies at the intersection of my natural skepticism and laziness—I don’t have a great track record with activities related to health and fitness.

Read moreTruth Be Told: 5 Fast Facts about Juice Fasting