How to Align Supplemental Resources with District-Wide Goals

| By Gale Staff | As learners and curriculum standards change, textbooks alone aren’t enough to keep pace with today’s ever-evolving instructional demands. Educators need supplemental materials to engage students with diverse content, address learning gaps, and appeal to various learning styles. However, only 25% of teachers feel that districts are providing the supplemental resources … Read more

Schrödinger’s Cat: A “Purr-fect” Thought Experiment

| By K. Lee Lerner| Made popular by a million memes, the famous Schrödinger’s cat thought experiment (also called the Schrödinger’s cat paradox), devised by physicist Erwin Schrödinger (1887–1961). In 1935, was designed to illustrate the often bizarre implications of quantum mechanics (specifically, superposition and the concept of quantum measurement). Analogous to a radioactive atom … Read more

Empower Students in Digital Currency Banking

| By Gale Staff | Educators’ focus on teaching students about money once consisted of straightforward lessons about calculating interest rates, creating a savings account, and basic budgeting. Now, with the ever-increasing talk about digital currencies gaining traction across YouTube and TikTok, teaching financial literacy has shifted to include concepts like Bitcoin and blockchain. While … Read more

Discover Gale’s New Disinformation and Misinformation Portal

| By Gale Staff | High school educators know that strong digital literacy is a cornerstone of successful education in the 21st century. As technology becomes ever more pervasive in the classroom, it’s important for students to learn how to maintain a responsible online presence and identify facts from biased or misleading information. Understanding how … Read more

Outer Space Is Trending, and Your Students Are Excited to Learn More

| By Gale Staff | Most millennials and zoomers won’t remember the Space Race, a time when the United States and the former Soviet Union competed to lead the world in space exploration, largely for military gain. In 1962, President John F. Kennedy promised the country we would land on the moon; by 1969, Neil … Read more

Teach Your Students About the Evolution of Human Rights with Gale In Context

| By Gale Staff| Teaching high school students about human rights can be a challenge. Not only is the topic complicated, but it can also become controversial. However, introducing your students to human rights concepts helps them better understand the history and develop more informed opinions on current social issues. Encourage your students to research … Read more