Featured Partner: Encyclopedia Britannica

An ongoing look at the partner publishers available through GVRL.

By Michelle Eickmeyer

For many of us, Encyclopedia Britannica has long represented the place to go to find information on just about everything. While the look of the book has changed, and how students and your community interact with it have changed, the standard of excellence has not. Founded nearly 250 years ago, Encyclopedia Britannica is still a trusted source of all kinds of information.

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Gale Artemis: Primary Sources Just Quadrupled in Size!

We just launched several collections onto Gale Artemis: Primary Sources, our groundbreaking research platform. All of these collections are now cross-searchable and feature many new tools and functionality that the older standalone collections do not.

The following list of collections are now available on Gale Artemis: Primary Sources:

Read moreGale Artemis: Primary Sources Just Quadrupled in Size!

New from Gale! NCCO: Science, Technology, & Medicine, Part II

Relive the development of modern science with new offerings from NCCO!

With over three million new pages of scientific content, NCCO:  Science, Technology, and Medicine: 1780-1925, Part II represents a significant expansion to Gale’s nineteenth century resource family. The collection, which offers students and scholars a rare window into the development of modern science and its methods, is presented in four major parts:

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New from Gale! Associated Press Collections Online

A fantastic resource for all things 20th century!

Researchers can now look beyond the reporting from the not-for-profit news cooperative, Associated Press, and uncover its context, backstory, and logistics over the past seven decades. This fantastic resource for all things twentieth century provides rare access to an array of internal AP publications dating from the turn of the century and offers valuable insight into the AP, its staff, and the history of news coverage.

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New from Gale! Indigenous Peoples: North America

More than 70 tribes represented in over 1.2 million pages!

Enabling exploration of the political, social, and cultural history of Native Peoples from the seventeenth century well into the twentieth century, Indigenous Peoples: North America illustrates the fabric of North American history with unprecedented depth and breadth. The value that Gale brings with the inclusion of so many diverse manuscript and book collections is absolutely unparalleled.

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Featured Partner: Springer

An ongoing look at the partner publishers available through GVRL.

By Michelle Eickmeyer

This week, Gale was proud to announce our partnership with Springer, bringing nearly 3,000 titles dedicated to STEM disciplines to GVRL. The addition of this fantastic content from Springer is a great benefit to academic libraries.

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The Cat’s out of the Bag. We’re Not Just Reference Anymore.

By Harmony Faust

I shared an inside secret with you in our first post and it felt liberating, so I’m going to do it again here. As a representative of a company with 60 years as a leading publisher of reference content, this secret is potentially risky to post, but no less true.

Whew. Okay. Here it goes…

I have heard several of our public libraries partners say…*gasp*…their patrons aren’t asking for reference anymore. That it’s hard to create excitement around reference. In fact, a much-esteemed leader in library land was so bold as to say, to my face, that we do ourselves a disservice by referring to our eBook platform as Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL).

Read moreThe Cat’s out of the Bag. We’re Not Just Reference Anymore.

Look out, Schools! Exciting Changes are Coming to GVRL

By Geoff Schwartz

At Gale, we are committed to providing schools the necessary tools to provide the best possible education to their students. Yesterday, we announced the addition of STEM content to GVRL, starting with nearly 3,000 eBook monographs from Springer and hundreds from Elsevier. That’s just the beginning, however, as we’ll soon add grade-appropriate STEM content for the K-12 market as well.

Read moreLook out, Schools! Exciting Changes are Coming to GVRL