Posted March 15, 2016
By Bethany Dotson
American Fiction, 1774-1920, released this week from Gale, brings over 17,750 titles to digital life – which is an astounding number. If you read two of these books every minute and didn’t stop to sleep or eat, it would still take you more than 6 days to read through the full collection. The content from 1774-1900 is based on Lyle H Wright’s famous American Fiction: A Contribution Toward a Bibliography, the most comprehensive bibliography of American adult fiction during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and includes both well-known authors (Mark Twain, Harriet Beecher Stowe, etc) and the obscure.
Luckily, all of these titles are fully indexed and full-text searchable, and the metadata and data are available for text and data mining and other forms of large-scale digital humanities analysis, making it possible to unearth new insight from this large body of work.
To give you a brief idea of what you might find—and to provide some inspiration—we’ve randomly selected a year (1860) and highlighted six very different novels, those published between Abraham Lincoln being selected as the Republican presidential candidate and South Carolina seceding from the United States Union.
Read moreWhich (Potentially Unknown) American Novel will Inspire Your Research?