Myths Debunked: 5 Widely Believed Tales about Historical Figures

| By Gale Staff | Although history is reliant on facts, many misconceptions exist about well-known historical figures. Did George Washington have wooden teeth? Did Einstein fail math? As historians look at the past with a critical eye, they’ve found proof to debunk common myths that evolved over time and are now widely accepted. Myths … Read more

Empowering Responsible & Informed Citizens at Boise High

| By Gale Staff | For Boise School District, equipping future-ready students is essential. When providing resources, district leaders understand students need access to credible content as well as practice building information literacy and critical-thinking skills. Natasha Rush is a certified teacher librarian and building technology lead at Boise High School. Based on her years … Read more

Schrödinger’s Cat: A “Purr-fect” Thought Experiment

| By K. Lee Lerner| Made popular by a million memes, the famous Schrödinger’s cat thought experiment (also called the Schrödinger’s cat paradox), devised by physicist Erwin Schrödinger (1887–1961). In 1935, was designed to illustrate the often bizarre implications of quantum mechanics (specifically, superposition and the concept of quantum measurement). Analogous to a radioactive atom … Read more

Extreme Hurricanes

| By K. Lee Lerner | Within the scientific community, in accord with long-established atmospheric physics and chemistry, most climate change predictive models show that as global temperatures increase, at least with regard to tropical waters located between 30 degrees north and south of the equator, extreme precipitation events in the form of tropical cyclones … Read more

The Death of Edgar Allan Poe

| By J. Robert Parks | Edgar Allan Poe has been a favorite of English and language arts teachers for decades. Many who want to introduce the concept of rhyme schemes have relied on his poem “The Raven,” many who want to introduce the concepts of tone and suspense have presented “The Tell-Tale Heart,” and … Read more

The Past, Present & Future of Feminism in International Relations

| By Alyssa Anderson, Gale Ambassador at Florida International University | In a world of restrictive gender roles, women are assumed to play a peripheral part while men take the lead. Feminism was introduced as a critical theory in the study of international relations to defy the marginalization of women in the field. To focus … Read more

Empower Students in Digital Currency Banking

| By Gale Staff | Educators’ focus on teaching students about money once consisted of straightforward lessons about calculating interest rates, creating a savings account, and basic budgeting. Now, with the ever-increasing talk about digital currencies gaining traction across YouTube and TikTok, teaching financial literacy has shifted to include concepts like Bitcoin and blockchain. While … Read more