Free Webpage Creation & Analysis from Gale Customer Care

As technology rapidly transforms, it becomes increasingly challenging to design and implement a library website that motivates students to visit library resources on their own time. That is why Gale has teamed up with Librarians across the country, providing web analysis services and creating new webpages free of charge through our Customer Care team.

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Product Update: Grade Level Filters Added

We are happy to announce that Grade Level search filter functionality has been released in beta for both print and eBook titles on We’ve also added Grade Level Range data to the product information for many titles on the site, making it easier than ever to find the perfect titles to suit your needs.

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Guest Blog: A school library within a global community

Klaudia Janek, IB Teacher-Librarian, International Academy, Bloomfield Hills, MI

Working in an International Baccalaureate (IB) school, as a school librarian, presents the opportunity to focus on a more global perspective and to have set expectations when it comes to research and information literacy.

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Happy National Library Week!

National Library Week

By Kim Martin

Today, we announced the winners of its “Libraries Are Beautiful – Inside and Out” photo contest. Launched in celebration of National Library Week, taking place this week – April 13-19, the contest showcases libraries who make their communities a more beautiful place—physically or metaphorically. The top five per category were selected by experts in art, architecture and design.  From the 25 finalists, winners were chosen by popular vote – and include:

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TLA Diary: Day 3

The Top Questions Asked in the Gale Booth at TLA 2014 A Texas-sized list of resources are now available to every public school in the state of Texas! It was big news at the TLA conference, no doubt. Below are some of the burning questions visitors to our booth asked while talking to our representatives … Read more

TLA Diary: Day 2

Passion…Texas Style!

Gale is passionate about libraries and the resources that we are able to provide. We are passionate about student engagement. We are passionate about the partnership with the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. We are passionate about all our friends tweeting and sharing. Come share your passion and excitement with us at TLA this week.

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