Gale Customer Care Could be Your Key to Success in Boosting Usage

By Tanisha Howard-Hall

Does anyone remember, the singing group New Kids on the Block? Well, I can’t sing but I am the new Customer Care Consultant on the block! I am new to this role but not new to Gale. I was first introduced to Cengage Learning and Gale as the Web Marketing Intern. I recently graduated with my MBA with a concentration in Marketing. As the Web Marketing intern, I worked on a variety of projects and quickly learned how dedicated Gale is to serving its library partners.

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A Gift of my New Community

By Calla W.  I have been lauding the Harbor Library since first getting my library card and discovering all the wonderful presentations that are sponsored. The friendly caring has kept me coming back, whether it is to attend an author luncheon or children’s story hour, or to borrow audio books. I don’t know how I … Read more

Art Education @ Your library

By Marie M. I was fortunate enough to start work / teaching at the Jacksonville Public Library system 10 years ago! I love that I get the experience to teach art to children (ages 1-14) and their caregivers. This is a unique experience which is not available many other art education venues. The library is … Read more

Global Issues in Context named “Biggest Hit with Patrons” by Library Journal

We are proud to announce that Global Issues in Context, Gale’s online resource covering the modern world’s most important topics, was recently named “Biggest Hit with Patrons” by Library Journal in their “Best Databases 2014” roundup. The recognition means even more because the winners are nominated by LJ’s readers, many of whom use our products every day. The nominating librarian stated that the product is “wildly popular with students,” and that she is “amazed at the usage statistics generated by my institution.”

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New Marketing Action Analytics On Demand Apps for Patrons and Non-Patrons

Analytics On Demand Marketing Action

Create meaningful outreach programs to targeted segments of your community

Discover the insights you need to make (and measure!) an impact with Analytics On Demand, a new data solution that helps libraries quickly and easily learn more about their users and communities.

Take marketing action! Watch a short video to learn how the apps can help your library.

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New Access Point and Enhancements for Analytics On Demand

Analytics On Demand Public Library

Analytics On Demand is moving off the Alteryx server and will undergo some look and feel enhancements. The new site will be available today, December 3, 2014. With this change, we’re also adding free bonus apps and a collaboration site for users.

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Find Top Publisher’s Weekly Best Books of 2014…in Large Print

Publisher's Weekly Best Books of 2014

The highly anticipated annual Publisher’s Weekly Best Books list gets the full attention of three enthusiastic groups of people:

  • Authors, who want their book to be on it
  • Readers, who refer to it to discover new books for their must-read list
  • Librarians, who use it to develop their collections with high-quality, relevant titles

Well, this year’s list has arrived, and it’s stocked with great books that readers in every community are itching to read.

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Self-Improvement Resources For Getting Passed Crossroads

Resources for self improvement

By Tina Creguer

Rebecca used to think that her life would be uneventful at this stage, but, boy, was she wrong. Her son recently moved out and married, and she completed a degree program—just as her position was eliminated at her long-time employer. She has identified an opportunity in a nearby community and is considering starting her own business. Some days, she feels that the possibilities are endless. Other days, she’s overwhelmed and some self-doubt is starting to creep in. She’s looking for information to help her regain her confidence so she can move forward with some assurance that she is making good decisions that will shape her future.

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Getting to the Bottom of Affordable Care Act

Health Care Resources at Library

By Brigham Narins

So it’s November, kind of a busy month: On the 4th we had the mid-term elections—the Republicans came away pretty happy, the Democrats not so much. And on the 15th the second open enrollment period began for ObamaCare.

Among the happy Republicans was Mitch McConnell. Not only did he win his reelection race, he is also expected to be confirmed as the new majority leader in the Senate, a position he has reportedly coveted his entire political life.

On November 5, the day after the election, McConnell and Speaker of the House John Boehner published an op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal in which the two congressional leaders renewed “our commitment to repeal ObamaCare, which is hurting the job market along with Americans’ health care.” Elaborating somewhat on that point, they wrote that “[h]ealth costs . . . continue to rise under a hopelessly flawed law that Americans have never supported.”

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“Redeployment” Wins National Book Award for Fiction

The National Book Foundation has awarded former Marine, Phil Klay, a National Book Award–his debut short story collection Redeployment, took home top honors as the winner in the fiction category.

Established in 1950, the National Book Award is an American literary prize administered by the National Book Foundation, a nonprofit organization. Their mission is to celebrate the best of American literature, to expand its audience, and to enhance the cultural value of great writing in America.

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