Customize Gale eBooks on GVRL for Your Needs

Every GVRL customer has a unique eBook collection of hand-selected titles, and we recognize the importance of aligning that collection to your library’s goals and initiatives.  That’s why, we’ve added customization options for admin users of Gale eBooks on GVRL. What Does This Mean? It means that your collection will be supported by a superior … Read more

New Titles Added to the InfoTrac Collections in November 2016

The titles below have been recently added and can be located in the product using Basic or Advanced Search forms. Titles can be found via Browse Publications within two weeks. For complete coverage information please see the product title lists.   Academic OneFile  Acta Linguistica Hungarica (Akademiai Kiado) Peer-reviewed Dynamic Systems and Applications (Dynamic Publishers, … Read more

Science Videos Added to Research and Science In Context

Recently, Gale partnered with Visual Learning Systems, an educational science publisher whose mission is to provide high quality, visual-based content that instructs, challenges, and inspires young learners. Nearly 900 high-quality educational videos on concepts essential to STEM learning have been added to Gale’s Research In Context and Science In Context. Approximately 750 videos, including videos on topics frequently studied in … Read more

Product Update: Exciting Video Additions and Increased Text Size to Kids InfoBits!

Recently, Gale partnered with Visual Learning Systems, an educational science publisher whose mission is to provide high quality, visual-based content that instructs, challenges, and inspires young learners. Nearly 600 high-quality educational videos on concepts essential to STEM learning have been added to Kids InfoBits. These recently added and powerful teaching tools are approximately 1-3 minutes … Read more

Small Business Resource Center Enhanced Experience Now Available

Click to enlarge

New enhancements now available in Small Business Resource Center (SBRC). You and your users can experience an easy-to-browse interface mapped to four key business stages—plan, fund, start, and manage—plus, new content, features, and enhanced functionality.

Enhancements for the current small business owner, as well as the aspiring entrepreneur
 SBRC users are now able to access the most popular features of leading Gale products, including:

  • Integration with G Suite for Education tools, including Gmail, Drive, Docs, and more
  • Highlights and notes to select and annotate important text to view, print, or export
  • Improved translation with text translation in 23 languages and platform translation in 34
  • ReadSpeaker text-to-speech technology to hear the article read out loud and download the audio file to take with them on their phone or other mobile device.
  • Mobile-optimized display and improved user experience on all devices
  • Citation Tools that generate APA, MLA, and Chicago Style citations in the most recent format

The same great content…and then some
SBRC brings together hundreds of sample business plans, small business journals, and resources for many aspects of business: accounting, HR, management, marketing, taxes, and more. Content now includes a wide range of media and sources:

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Image Viewer Update

Mozilla, which maintains the Firefox browser, has announced its plan to diminish support for the Adobe Flash Player. Beginning this month, the Google Chrome browser will also no longer support Adobe Flash Player. In order to provide seamless support to our customers, Gale will be launching a new image viewer for our Gale Primary Sources … Read more

New Titles Added to the InfoTrac Collections in September 2016

InfoTrac provides what 21st-century researchers expect: instant access to complete, up-to-date content. Put the world’s leading journals and reference sources at your users’ fingertips, with easy-to-use features and unique search tools enabling discovery. Not an InfoTrac customer and interested in learning more? Get started today. The titles below have been recently added and can be located … Read more

Exciting Citation Enhancements Now Available in Gale Products

Chicago-Style Citation Tool Now Available!

Gale is happy to announce that Chicago-style citations are now available in Gale products! The new citation format adheres to the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition. The option is displayed when a user clicks on Citation Tools, and Chicago-style citations can easily be grouped and downloaded to Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive. Chicago appears in all products that contain the Citation Tools feature, with the exception of Early Arabic Printed Books; it will be added to this product by the end of the year.

Read moreExciting Citation Enhancements Now Available in Gale Products

A New Experience!

By Thomas Piggott

Home Page Screenshot
The new homepage with reorganized navigation. Click to enlarge or visit the website. is changing! We’re proud to announce a new and improved experience, with even more to come as we continue to make updates.

Hi, I’m Thomas Piggott, the User Experience Designer for I wanted to be the first to introduce you to some of the new features of the website, along with providing a peek into what’s to come.

Gaining a Better Understanding

At Gale, our goal is to empower libraries and learners by partnering with you. About a year ago, we began thinking about how our website could help us live up to that goal. We delved into understanding what capabilities the site needed in order to make your life easier. We collected feedback from interviews with more than 40 customers around the world and held discussions with our sales representatives and customer success managers who know what you ask for the most.

Read moreA New Experience!

Relevance Default Sort Enabled In InfoTrac Products

Good News! In an effort to further improve the user experience by delivering the most relevant articles among the first search results returned, we have enabled the default sort to Relevance for all InfoTrac products. Results will be ordered by relevance, and because currency is an important element of periodical content, the determination of relevance will contain a significant boost for recency. Users still have the ability to toggle and view by newest/oldest date if they choose during their research session.

Additionally, Gale has retired the “My Account” feature in InfoTrac products including PowerSearch, in favor of Google and Microsoft 365 collaboration tools our users are already employing. This change will provide one simple, seamless login experience, further enabling users to access Gale content anytime, anywhere, and from any device.

Read moreRelevance Default Sort Enabled In InfoTrac Products