New Titles Added to the InfoTrac Collections in June 2014

The titles below have been recently added and can be located in the product using Basic or Advanced Search forms. Titles can be found via Browse Publications within two weeks. For complete coverage information please see the product title lists.

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Testing & Education Reference Center (TERC)

Testing & Education Reference Center (TERC) is a valuable online tool used by library patrons of all ages for standardized test preparation, researching undergraduate and graduate programs, finding tuition assistance, and exploring careers. Additionally, community members can pursue new career paths with test prep assistance for career certification exams as well as gain advice on resumes, cover letters, interviewing, and networking.

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Literature Resource Center Grows by Over 800 New Content Pieces

Lovers of literature, rejoice! In its continuing quest to be the most current, comprehensive, and reliable online literature source, Literature Resource Center has bulked up its content with over 800 new biographies, critical essays, reviews, and other offerings.

Want to learn more? Check out the full list of new content below, or visit the LRC’s official online catalog page.

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Featured Partner: Oxford University Press

An ongoing look at the partner publishers available through GVRL.

By Melissa Rayner

Oxford University Press has been one of the biggest names in academic publishing almost since the industry’s inception. The first book was printed in Oxford in 1478, and although the formal press had not yet been born, Oxford University involved itself with several printers over the century that followed. Now, the press publishes over 6,000 titles and sells more than 110 million units each year. It has offices in 50 countries and is the largest university press in the world.

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InterLink Enables Discovery Within Library Holdings

And librarians around the globe rejoice!

On April 30, 2014, Gale launched InterLink, a new, free service available to libraries which own any of the periodical resources of InfoTrac and any eBook on the GVRL platform. But “service” is such a limiting word. Feature, enhancement. tool — they all fall short. InterLink is so much more than a bell or a whistle. With InterLink, research, search, and discovery have changed. And it’s amazing!

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Featured Partner: IGI Global

An ongoing look at the partner publishers available through GVRL.

By Melissa Rayner

Founded in 1988, IGI Global grew rapidly to become a leading international academic publisher of more than 2,300+ reference books, 155+ journals, encyclopedias, teaching cases, proceedings, and databases. They aim to offer a unique interdisciplinary approach to cutting-edge applied technology – with an especially strong focus on the role, impact, and effective use of new technology.

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Featured Partner: ABC-CLIO

An ongoing look at the partner publishers available through GVRL.

By Melissa Rayner

Founded in 1955, ABC-CLIO is named for the Greek muse that inspired history, thus symbolizing the company’s origins in publishing historical literature and bibliographies. Today, ABC-CLIO is a leading publisher of both print and digital materials of reference, contemporary thought, and professional development for academic, school, and public librarians.

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ECCO Just Got Bigger… Well, Sort of.

Are you a fan of our essential primary source database, Eighteenth Century Collections Online?

Well, next time you log on to ECCO, be sure to check out the orange and white banner in the header. Clicking on it will make your ECCO experience even bigger and better, because ECCO is now cross-searchable with six of our other most treasured collections as part of the powerful new research platform, Gale Artemis:  Primary Sources.

Read moreECCO Just Got Bigger… Well, Sort of.

Featured Partner: Sage

An ongoing look at the partner publishers available through GVRL.

By Michelle Eickmeyer

SAGE, founded by Sara Miller in 1965, began in a one-room office at 150 Fifth Avenue. Despite doubts from her family and friends, Miller pursued her dreams and reached success. Today, SAGE has more than twelve hundred employees worldwide. SAGE is known for its commitment to quality and innovation, world leadership in its chosen scholarly, and its professional markets.  Its publishing philosophy is based on relationships, vision, and excellence.

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Featured Partner: Wiley

An ongoing look at the partner publishers available through GVRL.

By Michelle Eickmeyer

In it’s nearly 210 years, Wiley has done more than just stand the test of time. John Wiley and Sons was founded by Charles Wiley, John’s father, in 1807. (John took over the family business upon his father’s death in 1826.) First established as a Manhattan-based printer, Wiley was the first U.S. publisher to have an office in London. Interestingly, much of the company’s early success was in the publishing of literature but such notable writers as Charles Dickens, Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Nathaniel Hawthorne and many others.

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