Librarians Overcome Distance and Tradition with GVRL eBooks

GVRL eBook Success Story

Terry Beck, the Information Services Manager for Sno-Isle Libraries north of Seattle, knows firsthand how to deal with logistical nightmares. Beck is responsible for serving approximately 697,000 people in two counties across 21 community libraries. To complicate matters further, Beck lacks a central or main library location from which to work and was quickly running out of room for reference materials.

“We don’t have one great big place,” Beck bemoaned. “We knew we needed to grow our reference collection but we had no room for additional print materials.”

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Moving from Gatekeeper to Gardener: An Introspective On Librarianship

Jamie LaRue

By Jamie LaRue

I believe that librarianship is at the threshold of transformative change. Some of that change is society-wide. Some of it is specific to libraries. In recent years, I’ve spent a lot of my professional time exploring and talking about three key trends. Together, they make up my platform as a candidate for ALA president.

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Inspire A Lifelong Love of Reading…One Party at a Time

By Adam W. 

The love of reading happens over the Summer, after you shut the text book for the year and chart your own reading course. Kids are going to read in November because they read what they wanted in the Summer. The Summer Reading Party is just an extension of reading, it is one chapter to spark a lifelong love.

The 2014 theme is Spark a Reaction and that is exactly what we do with the Library Kick-Off Party. We kickstart the rest of the Summer. We have rides, bounce houses, authors, prize giveaways, Kindles, GoPros, Boat Rentals, even a PS4.

Read moreInspire A Lifelong Love of Reading…One Party at a Time

I <3 My Library!

By Shawn K.  Our library is a small, but a vibrant part of our rural community. They are constantly looking to the community for ideas on how to improve and make things better. My kiddos love going to check out books, of course, but they also love going to all of the different activities sponsored … Read more

Who Are Your Patrons? Where Are They Coming From? And What Branches Do They Visit?  

Public Library Branch Insights and User Visits and Demographics

Patrons at your main branch mostly hail from all over town, but patrons at your eastside branch come from within just a few blocks away. Or do they?? Do you know how far people travel to get to a particular location? And, if you did know, how might it change your collection and outreach programs?

Branch Insights, a new Analytics On Demand app, tracks cardholders’ use across various branches in a single library system. With this information presented in maps and tables, you can gain insight into where and how individual patron types are engaging the library system so you can tailor materials, programs, services, and outreach to meet patron needs at each library site.

Read moreWho Are Your Patrons? Where Are They Coming From? And What Branches Do They Visit?  

7 Obscure March Holidays with InfoTrac Articles to Match

By Nick Schultz

When you think of March holidays, St. Patrick’s Day may be the only one that comes to mind. Well, I’m not Irish, so I felt the need to explore holidays I could rally behind… with food. The InfoTrac Culinary Arts Collection proved to be the perfect source!

Feel free to share these images and the links to the InfoTrac articles and recipes with your library users on social media. Lure them in with food!

Read more7 Obscure March Holidays with InfoTrac Articles to Match

It’s Always Time to Love Thy Own Heart

By Jacqueline Longe

This winter has seen record lows with artic freezes, seas turned red by the blood of 21 Egyptians, a measles outbreak, viable threats of terrorism in malls across America, and a whole host of other things to make even the warmest of hearts turn cold.

Despite reason for melancholy, there is focus on one matter that we can all rally around—heart health. Though the leading cause of death in the United States and worldwide is heart disease, this month facing such a fact and doing something about it on a personal level is a step toward optimum health. That warms the heart.

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