Women’s History Month 2022: Died Rich

| By Carol Brennan | For this week’s peek inside Gale In Context: Biography for Women’s History Month 2022, we’re celebrating women who amassed significant financial power over the centuries. This list of sharp minds who defied the odds may be scant, but Gale’s enormous database is a treasure trove of biographical essays on intriguing … Read more

Understanding the Ukraine Crisis

| By Gale Staff | From Kyiv to Kharkiv to the seaport town of Odessa, the people of Ukraine are living on a battlefield. Millions of people, their homes, their businesses, their way of life destroyed or abandoned after Putin’s invasion in February 2022. The war in Ukraine began Europe’s first major war in decades, … Read more

Women’s History Month 2022: Wore Pants

| By Carol  Brennan | Welcome to another week in which we highlight a few of the thousands of intriguing biographical essays to be found in Gale In Context: Biography, an immensely rich and comprehensive resource for learners of (nearly) all ages. This week’s category of women who broke a few rules/talked back/failed to conform/cleared … Read more

Women’s History Month 2022: The Runaways

| By Carol Brennan | Gale In Context: Biography celebrates Women’s History Month 2022 by highlighting some of the thousands of biographical essays about women who led lives of quiet ferocity, exemplary dedication, or inextinguishable courage. Focusing on some little-known luminaries we think are screenplay worthy, we named this week’s category “The Runaways”: women who … Read more

Black Americans Who Made Entertainment History

| By Carol Brennan | Gale In Context: Biography is one of Gale’s premium online databases, and for Black History Month 2022, we’d like to highlight a few remarkable but lesser-known moments in entertainment history. Our titles feature thousands of biographical entries on Black Americans, including those of bygone performers and creative professionals who helped … Read more

The Achievements of Black American Athletes

| By Carol Brennan | For this week in Black History Month 2022, Gale celebrates the illustrious roster of Black American athletes whose thrilling feats have elevated them to iconic status.   The first Black American to become a celebrity for a combination of physical strength and exceptional focus was the boxer Jack Johnson, who claimed … Read more

Betty White, America’s Golden Girl

| By Carol Brennan | Comedian Betty White enjoyed one of the longest careers in American television. A popular variety-show host in the 1950s and formidable regular on game shows in the decade that followed, White was also revered for the impeccable comic timing she showed on The Mary Tyler Moore Show in the mid-1970s. … Read more